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Get rid of excess weight without deprivation

 Get rid of excess weight without deprivation

Get rid of excess weight without deprivation

To get rid of excess weight with food without hunger or deprivation, we must follow the following points:
  • God Almighty says in Surah Al-Waqi’ah: And fruit from what they seek, and for the best bird of what they desire.” [Al-Waqi’ah]. As God Almighty says in Surat Al-Tin: ﴿and the fig and the olive﴾ [figs], just as God Almighty says: ﴿and fruit and fruit﴾[Abs: 31] God Almighty started with fruit before meat, but we do the opposite of that, so we eat and then we eat fruit, and this is a common mistake among many people, and if this was the healthiest for human health, God would have mentioned that in His Noble Book, but God When God Almighty presented fruit, He offered it with great wisdom, because eating fruit before food is the healthiest for humans, as fruit contains a high percentage of fiber that makes us feel full, and digesting fruit takes twenty minutes, and the human body contains the satiety hormone that is secreted in the small intestine. If a person eats two fruits twenty minutes before lunch, the satiety hormone will be secreted and the person will feel full while eating lunch, and from here he begins to think about choosing foods that do not increase weight. Therefore, fruit should be eaten before eating because eating it after eating has a digestive effect and helps store food, which will be followed by weight gain.
  • Start eating by eating a salad plate, which should be multi-colored.
  • Eating meals early. The Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “My nation will remain well as long as they hasten breakfast and delay suhoor.” Whether breakfast is in Ramadan or not in Ramadan, as the energy-burning device works better... We notice that people who suffer from obesity usually do not break their fast, so their energy-burning system is idle, the body begins to store energy, and weight increases. The habit of not breakfasting is a bad habit, so we point out that early breakfast is very important, people who They break their fast early and do not usually suffer from weight gain or the appearance of a belly.
  • It is necessary to eat many meals; Because the more meals we eat, the more we lose weight because people always count the calories entering the body, but no one counts the calories the body consumes during food digestion and during chewing. It is preferable that the number of meals be five meals a day, and in Ramadan three meals, breakfast and suhoor. The meal between breakfast and suhoor consists of eating fruit, a piece of meat, vegetables, legumes, or any meal that is long-digesting, such as proteins. In order to feel full between breakfast and suhoor, this can be done between any two meals other than Ramadan.
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